Source code for permittivitycalc.permittivity_plot

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Fucntions to plot permittivity and permeability results and S-parameters.
# File input
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter.filedialog import askdirectory
# Array math
import numpy as np
from uncertainties import unumpy as unp
# System
import os
import datetime
# Plotting
import matplotlib
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
# try:
#     from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
# except:
#     matplotlib.use('TKAgg',warn=False, force=True)
#     import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.ticker import FixedLocator, LogLocator, EngFormatter, NullFormatter, LogFormatter
import seaborn as sns
from cycler import cycler"ggplot")

DATE = str(

def _dirprompt():
    root = tk.Tk()
    global save_path_for_plots
    save_path_for_plots = askdirectory(title='Select Directory to Save Figure')
    return save_path_for_plots

[docs]def make_plot(xval, yval, plot_type='d', y_axis_type='normal', \ legend_label=None, name=None, plot_title=None, ylabel=None, \ xlabel=None, xticks=None, yticks=None, figure_size=(16,10), \ freq_cutoff=None, publish=False): """ Takes input from sparam_data and plots calculated permittivity. Can handle multiple data sets. Plots uncertainty countour if plotting single dataset with uncertainty present and plots error bars every 25 points when plotting multiple datasets. Arguments --------- xval : array or list x-axis data. Multiple data sets must be in a list. yval : array or list y-axis data. Multiple data sets must be in a list. plot_type : str Flag for default plot types. Can be set to 'd' for the real part of epsilon, 'lf' for the imaginary part of epsilon, 'lt' for dielectric loss tangent, 'ur' for the real part of mu, 'ui' for the imaginary part of mu, or 'c' for Custom. If 'c' is used, xticks and yticks must be provided. y_axis_type : str, optional Flag for type of axis to use for the y-axis. Can be either 'normal' (default) or 'log' for a log axis. If set to log, y tick postions must be manually provided to yticks. legend_label : list of str, optional Plot legend label. Each dataset much have it's own label. Stings must be in a list. name : str, optional Required when publish=True. Used in file name of saved figure. plot_title : str, optional For use when plot_type='c'. Title of the plot. ylabel : str, optional For use when plot_type='c'. Y-axis label. xlabel : str, optional For use when plot_type='c'. X-axis label. xticks : list, optional Manually set x-axis tick locations. Required when plot_type='c'. yticks : list, optional Manually set y-axis tick locations. Required when plot_type='c' and when y_axis_type='log'. figure_size : tuple or int, optional Set the matplotlib figsize. Default: (16,10). freq_cutoff : float, optional Data points lower than freq_cutoff will not be plotted. publish : bool, optional If True save figure as .eps file. Default: False. """ # Default settings for plotting permittivity data if plot_type == 'd': # Real part plot_title = 'Real Part of the Permittivity' ylabel = r'$\epsilon^{\prime}_{r}$' xlabel = 'Frequency' rnd = 1 # decimals to round to for axes determination elif plot_type == 'lf': # Imaginary part plot_title = 'Imaginary Part of the Permittivity' ylabel = r'$\epsilon^{\prime\prime}_{r}$' xlabel = 'Frequency' rnd = 2 elif plot_type == 'lt': # Loss tan plot_title = 'Loss Tangent' ylabel = r'$tan\delta$' xlabel = 'Frequency' rnd = 2 elif plot_type == 'ur': # Real part of mu plot_title = 'Real Part of the Permeability' ylabel = r'$\mu^{\prime}_{r}$' xlabel = 'Frequency' rnd = 2 elif plot_type == 'ui': # Imaginary part of mu plot_title = 'Imaginary Part of the Permeability' ylabel = r'$\mu^{\prime\prime}_{r}$' xlabel = 'Frequency' rnd = 2 elif plot_type == 'c': # Custom plot pass else: raise Exception('Invalid plot type') # Checks if input data is in a list and determines number of things to plot # NOTE: Multiple data sets must be in a list if isinstance(xval,list): number_to_compare = len(xval) else: number_to_compare = 1 xval = [xval] yval = [yval] # If no label is specified, make one if not legend_label: # If legend_label is None legend_label = [] # Label for first dataset is 'Data 1', next is 'Data 2', etc... for n in range(0,len(xval)): legend_label.append('Data {}'.format(n+1)) else: # If legend_label is a list, make sure no list items are None for n in range(0,len(xval)): # If a list item is None, make it a label if not legend_label[n]: legend_label[n] = 'Data {}'.format(n+1) # Remove all points lower than freq_cutoff x = [] y = [] for n in range(0,number_to_compare): if freq_cutoff: x.append(xval[n][xval[n]>freq_cutoff]) y.append(yval[n][xval[n]>freq_cutoff]) else: x.append(xval[n]) y.append(yval[n]) # Determine axes limits if plot_type!='c': # skip for custom plots x_max = -np.inf x_min = np.inf y_max = -np.inf y_min = np.inf for n in range(0,number_to_compare): x_chk = unp.nominal_values(x[n]) max_tmp = round(max(x_chk[~np.isnan(x_chk)]),rnd) min_tmp = round(min(x_chk[~np.isnan(x_chk)])) if max_tmp > x_max: x_max = max_tmp if min_tmp < x_min: x_min = min_tmp y_chk = unp.nominal_values(y[n]) max_tmp = round(max(y_chk[~np.isnan(y_chk)]),rnd) min_tmp = round(min(y_chk[~np.isnan(y_chk)]),rnd) if max_tmp > y_max: y_max = max_tmp if min_tmp < y_min: y_min = min_tmp # Determine appropriate buffer and spacing depedning on plot type if not yticks: # skip if y ticks are manually provided thickness = y_max - y_min if plot_type in ('d','ur','ui'): if thickness < 0.1: buffer = 0.1 spacing = 0.02 else: buffer = 0.2 spacing = round((thickness + 2*buffer)/9,1) elif plot_type in ('lf','lt','c'): if thickness < 0.01: buffer = 0.01 spacing = 0.002 else: buffer = 0.02 spacing = round((thickness + 2*buffer)/9,2) # Makes sure the lowest point is 0 if y_min is 0 if y_min == 0: y_min+=buffer elif y_min-buffer < 0: # Make sure buffer does not make ymin negative y_min = buffer # Plot f = plt.figure(figsize=figure_size) ax = f.add_subplot(111) # Plot labels ax.set_title(plot_title, fontsize=40) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=40) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=40) # Colours if number_to_compare > 6: # cycle through cubehelix palette if plotting more than 6 things ax.set_prop_cycle(cycler('color',\ sns.cubehelix_palette(n_colors=number_to_compare,dark=0.05,light=0.75))) else: # otherise use Dark2 palette (should be colour blind safe) ax.set_prop_cycle(cycler('color',\ sns.color_palette("Dark2",number_to_compare))) # Plot axes ax.set_xscale('log') # Set y ticks if y_axis_type == 'log': # check if y axis should be log ax.set_yscale('log') ax.set_ylim(min(yticks),max(yticks)) majorLocator_y = FixedLocator(yticks) majorFormatter_y = LogFormatter() minorLocator_y = LogLocator(subs='all') # Use all interger multiples of the log base for minor ticks minorFormatter_y = NullFormatter() # No minor tick labels # Apply y ticks ax.get_yaxis().set_major_locator(majorLocator_y) ax.get_yaxis().set_major_formatter(majorFormatter_y) ax.get_yaxis().set_minor_locator(minorLocator_y) ax.get_yaxis().set_minor_formatter(minorFormatter_y) elif yticks and y_axis_type == 'normal': ax.set_ylim(min(yticks),max(yticks)) ax.set_yticks(yticks) elif not yticks: # auto set ax.set_ylim(y_min-buffer, y_max+buffer) ax.set_yticks(np.arange(y_min-buffer, y_max+buffer, spacing)) # Set x ticks if xticks: x_ticklocs = xticks elif not xticks: # auto set if x_min == 0: # log of min and max x values x_logmin = 0 # don't take log of 0 else: x_logmin = np.log10(x_min) if x_max == 0: x_logmax = 0 else: x_logmax = np.log10(x_max) x_logticks = np.logspace(x_logmin, x_logmax, num=4) # 4 equaly spaced points in log space x_ticklocs = [] for n in range(len(x_logticks)): # round scientific values and make a list x_ticklocs.append(np.float(np.format_float_scientific(x_logticks[n],\ precision=0))) if len(set(x_ticklocs)) < 4: # check that this produced 4 unique values x_ticklocs = [] # if not do it again with precision = 1 for n in range(len(x_logticks)): x_ticklocs.append(np.float(np.format_float_scientific(x_logticks[n]\ ,precision=1))) majorLocator_x = FixedLocator(x_ticklocs) majorFormatter_x = EngFormatter(unit='Hz') # Format major ticks with units minorLocator_x = LogLocator(subs='all') # Use all interger multiples of the log base for minor ticks minorFormatter_x = NullFormatter() # No minor tick labels # Apply x ticks ax.get_xaxis().set_major_locator(majorLocator_x) ax.get_xaxis().set_major_formatter(majorFormatter_x) ax.get_xaxis().set_minor_locator(minorLocator_x) ax.get_xaxis().set_minor_formatter(minorFormatter_x) # Format the actual tick marks ax.tick_params(which='both', width=1, labelsize=30) ax.tick_params(which='major', length=7) ax.tick_params(which='minor', length=4) # Use smaller line width for minor tick grid lines ax.grid(b=True, which='major', color='w', linewidth=1.0) ax.grid(b=True, which='minor', color='w', linewidth=0.5) # Do the actual plotting if number_to_compare == 1: # plot uncertainty only if plotting one dataset ax.plot(unp.nominal_values(x[0]), unp.nominal_values(y[0]), lw=2, \ label=legend_label[0]) ax.fill_between(unp.nominal_values(x[0]), unp.nominal_values(y[0]) - \ unp.std_devs(y[0]), unp.nominal_values(y[0]) + \ unp.std_devs(y[0]), color="#3F5D7D",alpha=0.3,label='Uncertainty') else: for n in range(0,number_to_compare): ax.errorbar(unp.nominal_values(x[n]), unp.nominal_values(y[n]), \ yerr=unp.std_devs(y[n]), errorevery=25, elinewidth=1, \ capthick=1, capsize=2,lw=2,label=legend_label[n]) ax.legend(fontsize=30,loc='best') if publish: # Make file name #If save_path_for_plots already exits, use it, otherwise promt for path if 'save_path_for_plots' in globals() and not None: datapath = save_path_for_plots else: datapath = _dirprompt() # prompt for save dir savename = name.replace(' ','-') + '_' + plot_title.replace(' ','-') \ + '_' + DATE + '.pdf' filepath = os.path.join(datapath,savename) # Save figure to .pdf file plt.savefig(filepath,dpi=300,format='pdf',pad_inches=0)
[docs]def make_sparam_plot(freq,s11,s22,s21,s12,label=None,shorted=False,s11_short=None): """ Plot raw S-Parameter data from S_Param_Script_V5. Supports multiple \ datasets for comparisson. Multilple datasets much be stored in a list and \ muct have same frequency array and number of data points. Arguments --------- freq : array Frequency points. s11,s22,s21,s12 : array or list of arrays Mag and Phase S-Parameter data. label : list, optional List of labels. Default: None """ # Checks if input data is in a list and determines number of things to plot # NOTE: Multiple data sets must be in a list if isinstance(s11,list): number_to_compare = len(s11) else: number_to_compare = 1 s11 = [s11] s22 = [s22] s21 = [s21] s12 = [s12] if shorted: s11_short = [s11_short] # Plot f,ax = plt.subplots(4, 2, sharex=True, figsize=(18, 15)) for n in range(0,number_to_compare): if label: kwargs = {"label":label[n]} else: kwargs = {} ax[0,0].plot(freq,unp.nominal_values(s11[n][0]),**kwargs) #s11mag if shorted: ax[0,0].plot(freq,unp.nominal_values(s11_short[n][0])) ax[0,0].set_title('Magnitude of S11') ax[0,1].plot(freq,unp.nominal_values(s11[n][1])) #s11phase ax[0,1].set_title('Phase of S11') ax[1,0].plot(freq,unp.nominal_values(s22[n][0])) #s22mag ax[1,0].set_title('Magnitude of S22') ax[1,1].plot(freq,unp.nominal_values(s22[n][1])) #s22phase ax[1,1].set_title('Phase of S22') ax[2,0].plot(freq,unp.nominal_values(s21[n][0])) #s21mag ax[2,0].set_title('Magnitude of S21') ax[2,1].plot(freq,unp.nominal_values(s21[n][1])) #s21phase ax[2,1].set_title('Phase of S21') ax[3,0].plot(freq,unp.nominal_values(s12[n][0])) #s12mag ax[3,0].set_title('Magnitude of S12') ax[3,1].plot(freq,unp.nominal_values(s12[n][1])) #s12phase ax[3,1].set_title('Phase of S12') # Hide redundant x-axis tick marks plt.setp([a.get_xticklabels() for a in ax[0, :]], visible=False) if label: ax[0,0].legend(loc=2)